Gravemarkers & headstones for pets


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Everyone deserves to be remembered

When our loved ones pass on, we like to make sure they have a place to rest as well as be remembered. We have worked hard on perfecting our stonework for this purpose. It is an important part of the grieving process that we allow ourselves to visit places, adroned with gravemarkers, and remember the times spent enjoying life with those we care about.

This is also true for our four-legged friends. If you are like us, you love and care for your pets just as much as the important people in your life. Pets can be companions, trusted friends that are there for you through thick and thin! Why would we not give them, and ourselves, the same opportunity to pay our respects and remember them after they are gone.

A pet gravestone or gravemarker allows us this opportunity. Whether you want something simple to remember your friend, or something more intricate, Eucraft S.A. will be able to help you find a solution that fits your pet’s memories. 

Our gravemarkers and gravestones for pets are made out of solid rock, deeply engraved making sure you can place it right on the ground and never have to worry about it becomming illegible. The day you tell your grandchildren about your best friend, the marker will still be there and completely legible.

We will always do our best to make your vision reality. Whether you have the materials yourself, or would like to browse our selection we are sure to find something that fits your needs. And with our method of Sandblasting, not only will the results be beautiful, but also withstand the ravages of weather and time.

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